The St Magnus Way is not the only pilgrimage route that ends at the St Magnus Cathedral. The Northern Pilgrims' Way starts in Tain and travels north. They need some feedback.

The St Magnus Way is not the only pilgrimage route that ends at the St Magnus Cathedral. The Northern Pilgrims' Way starts in Tain and follows routes used by pilgrims travelling to get to the shrine of St Duthac that was also in the Cathedral prior to the Reformation. The group developing this route are hoping to employ a part-time development officer/heritage ranger, which will involve some serious fund-raising. The first step is to get a measure of public support for this. So they would be very grateful if you would fill in the survey - it only takes a minute! If you click on the link below or scan the code, it will open. Please also circulate it to anyone that might be interested.

Survey Form

Northern Pilgrim's Way Poster

Survey Request Poster

Published on April 5th 2024

This project is being part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Orkney LEADER 2014 – 2020 Programme